Fun matters

Our lives

Have you ever thought about how we will live our lives without the people who make us laugh every time? Foods, air, fire, earth, and air are the element we all share but what about emotion, thoughts, feeling and love we also share with people around the world. Technology has taken over our lives and I am not saying that “technology is evil” or that “we should be Greenpeace lovers” however, it would be cool to hug a tree lol (laughing out loud).

Technology thoughts

Well, those statements were not my, however, why to disagree with them when those statements are parts of lives. Technology, we are connected/attached with them that we forget about the people who make us who we are and when it is too late they fade away like leafs from the tree. When ancestor are the roots of the tree and we are, the branches holding onto the fruits. Don’t you know even the fruits turn sour and the branches need to hold on to the leaves because a whole load of wind and pssssssssssssssssh gone… Everyone you ever loved and care for gone like a thin crust of a pizza crunched away at the wrath of your mouth.

Our Loved ones

“You will never know the importance of someone or something until they are taken away from you”. Well that is if they are good because you would have always taken them for granted and made them feel less importance ultimately decreasing their self-esteem and confidence. This is what today’s generation has led to…. a massive big hole in the heart and mind. Mobile phones need to be appreciated because someone special has gifted it to you and not because it is a piece of junk that costs a lot of money and because other people cannot afford like you can. After all, “metal don’t have feelings”

“Fun matters but the people who bring them matters more” CUL (cheeruplifeblog)

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