Hilarious Tweets by parents

Below are some of hilarious tweets that describes how parenting works:

“Please go play with your brother. That’s basically the reason we had him”.

Well, most only child wishes that they had sibling to play with when in reality they only fight most of the time. This parent just spoke what was in their mind concealed for long time for their child that they only had another child so he could play with first child. Awkward…

“I started calling my kid’s chores “jobbies” to make them sound like fun hobbies and it 100% does not help”.

Sign you’re a parent: while changing in dressing room, you hear, “Ma!” & yell back, “What?!” before remembering:

You’re shopping alone. (Haunting memories)

Friend: (playing crossword) What’s that thing where you’re always tired but can never get rest?
Me: Parenthood

Friend: Are you sure about that?
Me: Definitely (roll eyes)

“If you enjoy long heated arguments about whether or not mermaids can breathe on land, parenting is for you

“When your baby learns to talk, you realize all of those important things you thought your baby was saying were just demands for more food”.

“And it is then, when you are at your most tired, that your kids will find yet an even earlier time to wake up.”
– old parenting proverb.

“Netflix should have a “times watched” counter for kids’ shows so you can track your slow descent into madness”.

Paint your bathroom a pretty shade of blue so when you’re in there hiding from your kids it almost feels like you’re sitting by the ocean. (Hope, the bathroom has not been flooded… yet again)

Son: how old were you when you felt like you were a grown up?
Me: I’ll let you know when I get there

(Son has reached the last stage of his life and still waiting for the answer).

If you enjoy asking questions like “Whose socks are on the kitchen table,” I can’t recommend parenting highly enough.

“I could probably travel to the sun and back in the same amount of time it takes to put sunscreen on my two tiny, wiggly humans”.

“They say you don’t know l♥ve until you become a parent, and that’s because you finally understand how much you l♥ve sleep. Or sitting down”.

“Parenting is a blessing from nature, as cheerful it can be some days it may feel like a curse” (cheeruplifeblog)





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