My beliefs… #NotInMyName

Muslims, if your child left Islam, what would you do?

My answer: I agree with you because I am learning Islam in A level and it does say ONLY kill the believers if they THREATEN Islam/Muslims or at time of Islamic war when the non-believers have attacked FIRST. The terrorists are NOT the one protecting Islam because they are going against the their OWN beliefs. Islam is supposed to be a religion about peace. Islam means submission to the will of Allah. I have been informed that the terrorists (I am sure you know the group who I am talking about) BELIEVES that they are PERFECT MUSLIM and that they is why they are killing MUSLIMS as well as NON-BELIEVERS.
This is not a valid reason to kill someone because prophet has specifically said in the Hadith and Allah (God) has in the Quran that only fight in self defense and to protect Islam (It does not mean attack someone because you THINK that you are doing the RIGHT thing. Well let me tell YOU (the people that are killing INNOCENT people the non-believers and Muslims that you have killed may go to heaven or hell according to their deeds. But God knows you lot will certainly go to HELL (Janum).

P.S. If you think I am a Muslim well you are incorrect (wrong) because I am a non-believer according the Quran however I still respect the religion Islam and the ones who follow it (Muslims) because there are many Muslims in the world even though Islam despises my religion who respects me. I have best friends who are Muslims but they would never try to convert me even though, according to their religion which believes that I am on the “wrong path”.

Thank you for reading!

cheeruplifeblog 🙂

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